Frequently asked questions

Here you can download our menu 2023/2024.
As a rule, we plan with an output duration of 2.5 hours. If, for example, due to the occasion, planning or group size, a longer or shorter framework is given, we implement it. In one hour we can serve up to 1,500 people!
The satisfaction of all guests is our most important concern.
We always offer our packages on a flat rate basis. This means that we charge a flat rate per guest, at which everyone can eat until he/she is full. Our quantities are always sufficient, so that even latecomers or guests with a second hunger still have the full selection. So to speak "all you can eat".
And you have as an organizer a precise cost control through our flat rates.
Our trucks operate almost self-sufficiently. We only need a power connection on site. Mostly we only need a household 230 V connection (socket) on site, should we offer crêpes for more than 50 people, a 16 A power current is advantageous!
Our catering starts from about 15 € (net) per person for large events (200 people and more). Our prices are always a combination of the desired selection, the journey, duration and event size as well as seasonal. Please ask us for your key data and we will create an individual catering offer for you. Without obligation and free of charge.
We are basically active with our food trucks throughout Germany! However, this depends on the event size and duration. Please ask us individually!
Our food trucks are about 7 meters long, 2.4 meters wide and 3.2 meters high.
In any case! Already since day 1 we offer a large selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes. Almost all concepts that we offer can be put together accordingly. Likewise, we try to accommodate intolerances and allergies on demand.
Yes! We can also offer various dishes with meat from "halal" certified slaughtering on advance order. Feel free to contact us!
We are specialized in catering large events and are able to implement particularly fast serving times. Currently we can serve up to 200 guests per hour and truck and thus up to 1500 people with all trucks. Therefore there are no long waiting times at our events!
Our beef comes exclusively from German butchers we trust. Chicken comes from France due to the high quality, we primarily use corn chicken. The pork products we produce primarily from Duroc pig. This is one of the best breeds with high meat quality.
Since the first day we do not use plastic and aluminum packaging for our food but only sustainable and compostable organic disposable tableware. In addition, we increasingly rely on the use of reusable dishes. We try to buy food as regionally as possible and thus avoid long transport routes.
Do you have any questions?
If something is still unclear or you need more information, we will be happy to help you. Don't hesitate to contact us by clicking the button below. We look forward to hearing from you!